Low Self-Esteem: Physical Symptoms and Inner Healing

People struggling with low self-esteem face painful changes, evidenced by tangible signs that tell of their inner battle.

Loss of appetite or weight gain are the silent symptoms that reveal a deep disturbance, while changes in posture and walking reflect the fatigue of bearing the burden of everyday life experienced with low self-esteem.

For those who experience this difficult situation, physical pain becomes a cumbersome and unwanted companion. Headaches, muscle tension and joint pain are distressing manifestations of an inner world that is confusing to say the least. Digestive problems such as abdominal pain and nausea are symptoms accompanied by mental stress that create a complex and unresolved connection between body and mind.

Mental health is thus threatened by a kind of underground battlefield.

So many painful roads he must have travelled. Among them: not having been valued with the consequent difficulty in accepting the praise and compliments of others and then locking oneself up in psychically self-destructive behaviour, and not being able to express one’s feelings.

Being compared and feeling compared to others who are always better with consequent social isolation because one lives in the constant perception of being inadequate.

Having been rigidly brought up to be kind and humble towards others resulting in a loss of the necessary loving compassion towards oneself.

Fluctuations in self-esteem are clearly reflected in symptoms of anxiety and depression and cast a shadow over the fertile soil of the purposeful mind.

Physical health is also at risk, with sleep disturbances, weight fluctuations, fatigue and difficulty concentrating, all of which indicate the secret struggle to find stability in the midst of emotional storms.

People with low self-esteem often retreat into avoidance behaviour as a way of protecting their vulnerabilities, de facto seeing themselves as fragile individuals. This isolation behaviour becomes a refuge and escape from the world, an attempt to escape from the feared judgement and criticism of others.

Wounded souls are those who live in their own dislike and may appear dependent, anxious, indecisive. They often take refuge behind symptoms of eating disorders, mood disorders or anxiety disorders and build a shattered personality that obscures every aspect of their daily lives.

Lack of self-esteem creates fertile ground for deep malaise by dragging the individual into a refusal to connect with others, a sign of unbearable inner suffering. This phenomenon of low self-appreciation is often associated with physical and mental illness and reveals itself in a sneaky, creeping way, like a ghost that obscures the possibility of being happy.

Anxiety manifests itself in a constant need for approval, fear of new challenges and constant confrontation with others.

An insecure personality avoids unfamiliar situations and seeks a comfort zone believing it to be a safe haven because the constant comparison with others makes one feel inadequate and feeds a self-destructive cycle of negative self-evaluation.

Low self-esteem is more than just an emotional void; it shakes every aspect of life like an earthquake. The supposed rejection by others reflects our own rejection and creates a feeling of inferiority and psychophysical exhaustion. Moreover, if this painful state is associated with depression, anxiety and eating disorders, it can turn into an invisible cage that imprisons the soul. Downcast glances, shy movements and a hunched posture become the unconscious choreography of someone who feels or wants to feel invisible to others.

Recognising these signs requires a double effort: an internal effort to accept and value oneself and an external effort to seek professional support that can illuminate the path to healing.

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