What women are looking for in us men …

Schermata 2018-10-30 alle 20.40.39

Today, after receiving several demands from women, I’d like to deal with this subject  that is generally given for granted, but in fact it’s not at all. If the expectations of one and the other person are well known and clear, the couple’s relationship will result harmonized.

Try to find the charming prince is certainly not an easy matter… Here are some features that are essential for ladies to be seduced. Obviously every woman will give more space to some instead of others.

  1. Love is the first thing that they are looking for. A woman must feel loved for what she is and she needs confirmation and security.
  2. For a woman, man must not only give love, but should also be able to make plans and look far away. This is a primordial factor for a woman. Man must give and transmit stability and security.
  3. Schermata 2018-10-30 alle 20.44.44For a woman, fidelity is essential. Always idealizes a solid and lasting relationship. She does not accept the idea of ​​infidelity, in particular, infidelity in the sentimental relationship with her partner. However, she feels more hurt by a “platonic” betrayal than by a “concrete” betrayal. For this reason “Dear men” the fact of saying that it was only a purely sexual relationship, does not reassure her, and it is certainly not an excuse “. On the other hand, man in his concreteness stops at the act itself and puts the sentimental sphere on the background.
  4. A man a little bit “bastard” has always attracted women, even if they are always looking for a certain kindness, fundamental requirement. Man must therefore be kind enough to guarantee them trust. A fair dose of kindness, but “with wrist”. A kindness that always enriches the couple’s relationship and the quiet general life.
  5. Schermata 2018-10-30 alle 20.46.52A good dose of good mood is essential. The ideal man must be witty and with a good sense of humor to be able to guarantee his partner to have fun. It must also be able to defuse problems and ease tension situations.
  6. The body can be strong and muscular, but if the “gray matter” is poor, the myth will falls! However, man must still have a certain level of intelligence in order to be sure to attract a woman. The woman knows how to talk, so the partner has to give her the opportunity to deal with any topic.
  7. A polite man certainly attracts the fair sex. In a society where everyday rudeness abounds, a little dose of education could for sure give a touch of style. Good manners and attentions appeal to everyone, especially to women. Figuring then to have children, it’s certainly better to grow them up politely.
  8. Schermata 2018-10-30 alle 20.56.15The exclusivity‘s concept should be perceived by women also in public. Man should increase her value in all circumstances and should show his love not only in private, but also in public.
  9. Man must first of all be honest. Honesty is a primordial characteristic. In a couple relationship there is no space for lies. A woman must feel safe and considers this aspect a great test for the man.
  10. The littles unexpected attentions are fatal for the girls. The ascertainment to be always under a special care makes them safe of the loved one. Furthermore, the fact of being listened completes the whole. Boys, please avoid to talk always about football and your favorite sport in their presence.
  11. Self-confidence it’s decisive. A man must have an important degree of self-confidence and must not change idea every five minutes. Women require security, stability and a shoulder to lean on. A not particularly handsome man, but sure and determined, can attract much more than a cute but insecure man. Do you remember the advertising “the man who must never ask”?
  12. A calm positivity, but at the same time a certain firmness are certainly good ingredients. The “Nervous Breakdown ” or the “head in the clouds” could results very negative elements to woman’s eyes.Schermata 2018-10-30 alle 21.01.10
  13. Another element that arouses much fascination and interest into women is that a man could be able to accepts criticism and can be questioned.
  14. The “continuous complaining” certainly does not put us boys in a good light. Women prefer then those who roll up their sleeves and act instead of just staring impassively.Schermata 2018-10-30 alle 21.02.21
  15. Be generous, but not too much. The so-called “short arm” does not make a good impression on women. Schermata 2018-10-30 alle 20.58.26
  16. The man must also manage in everything, in all circumstances, also in his manner, but must succeed. A “handyman” is the best for the damsels, a man who can always get away with both: small and big household chores.
  17. Everything should be completed, obviously by a certain degree of elegance. Elegance both in ways of doing then in behavior and as well provided of determination. There must be a certain empathy and pleasantness overall. To be clear, a man can be elegant even in his pajamas and slippers!


The fundamental thing however is to be ourselves, natural as much as possible and mostly of all to respect the person we have chosen to have by our side. I repeat: “we have chosen …”





What do you think about!